Community Rules

Behavior Rules at Locations

Respect nature and avoid causing harm. Do not leave trash behind, avoid lighting fires in prohibited areas, and do not damage the vegetation.

Ensure that you have all the necessary permissions and knowledge of parking rules in the specific area you're visiting. Some places may require special permits.

Respect the environment and do not harm it. Do not litter, do not light fires in prohibited areas, and do not damage vegetation.

If campfires are allowed, make sure the fire is under your control. Use designated fire areas if provided.

If you're staying near a water source, do not pollute the water and avoid using detergents that can harm the environment.

Consider that other travelers may be seeking solitude. Maintain quietness during the evening and night.

Exercise caution when sharing your location and other personal data online.

If you see fellow travelers in need of assistance and it's safe to do so, provide help.

Respect the local customs, traditions, and culture of different regions and countries.

Familiarize yourself with local rules and laws, including camping and parking regulations, and adhere to them.

Strive to leave the place as you found it so that others can also enjoy its beauty

Be mindful that your behavior can impact local wildlife. Do not attempt to domesticate wild animals, refrain from feeding them, and avoid disrupting their natural behavior.