
Map and Location

The map displays locations based on applied filters, your location, and the locations of other users. If you are traveling in multiple vehicles, you can see your friends on the map. Below are frequently asked questions regarding maps and location.

To display your location, allow the app access to your geolocation. If you didn't do this during the initial app installation, go to your device's location settings and grant GO VANLIFE access to your geolocation.

Visibility settings are individual. If a user has not configured the visibility of their location on their profile page, you won't be able to see them on the map. Similarly, that user won't be able to see the locations of others. For personal safety, location visibility on the map is mutual. To provide access to your location to other users, go to the "Profile" section in the app and activate the "Visible to all" or "Visible to friends" toggle.

Locations are displayed within a radius of 200 km from the center of the screen after clicking the "Search in this area" button. Locations are displayed based on the selected filters, so make sure to clear them if you want to display all types of locations.

You can filter search results by selecting one or more of the following parameters: - Radius, km (from 50 to 300) - Type of location - Accessibility - Rating (not lower than the chosen number of stars) from 1 to 5 - Road (how you can reach the location) - Amenities - Services - Leisure Conditions Locations are displayed based on the selected filters, so make sure to clear them if you want to display all types of locations.